CPHS Softball Booster Meeting via Phone


Members present: Ruben Garcia , Anne Duffy, Sara Robinson, Coach Jenschke, and Michael Maham

Bank Account:

* Sara Robinson motioned to have current bank account closed, as no new members could be added to the account, and to open a new account with the incoming President and Treasurer on account. Ruben Garcia seconded the motion. Anne Duffy and Coach Jenschke in favor. No objections.

Board Officers:

* Sara Robinson motioned to have newly elected board officers for the 2022-23 season officially take over for the outgoing officers. Ruben Garcia seconded the motion. Anne Duffy and Coach Jenschke in favor. No objections.

Officers for the 2022-23 School Year:

Sara Robinson – President

Misty Spears – Vice President

Michael Maham – Treasurer

Angela Toedtman – Secretary

Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm on 6/6/2022.

Minutes prepared by Sara Robinson.